Inhoudelijke programma

De onderwerpen zijn uitdagend en bieden voldoende geestelijke inspiratie en verfrissing. Vanaf juni tot 3 september vinden de activiteiten voor kinderen en tieners tegelijkertijd aan de bijbelstudies plaats. Je kunt dus in alle rust van de bijbelstudies genieten in de wetenschap dat je kinderen in goede handen zijn.

Aan het eind van de middag is er een celebration voor het hele gezin voor een korte tijd van aanbidding, een korte toespraak en ruimte voor getuigenissen.

Op zondagmorgen hebben we een gezinsdienst. Aan deze samenkomst wordt een bijdrage geleverd door de kinderen door middel van drama, een lied of getuigenis. De hele dienst is gericht op het hele gezin, met aanbidding, gebed en prediking gericht op alle leeftijden.

Het programma is in het Engels, met Nederlandse vertaling beschikbaar van 15 juli tot 5 Augustus.

Speakers & worship leaders

13 mei
Clive Burnard
Clive Burnard

Clive is a Baptist Regional Minister who has led and planted a number of churches in a lifetime of Christian leadership. Passionate about Jesus, his Church and his disciples, he has preached, taught and trained Christian leaders and teams in the UK and internationally.

    David Churchyard
    David Churchyard

    David is muziekdirecteur en lekenpredikant in de kerk in Eastbourne waar hij en zijn vrouw Melanie naar toe gaan. Melanie is de CEO van Childs Charitable Trust. Ze leiden ook retraites van een week op Ashburnham Place.

      20 mei
      Tom and Ruth Duncanson
      Tom Ruth Duncanson

      Tom is al meer dan 30 jaar een baptistenprediker. Voordat hij vier jaar geleden minister werd van een kerk in Heathfield East Sussex, werkte hij bijna zeven jaar als Hospice Kapelaan in Eastbourne. Hij is getrouwd met Ruth en heeft twee kinderen, Helen & Mark, en zeven kleinkinderen.

        Jimmy Orr
        Jimmy Orr 3

        Jimmy is a Worship Leader, Poet, Husband, Singer/Songwriter, Speaker, Son, Brother, Artist, and Dad… though not necessarily in that order! He's been part of several worship bands playing various roles, facilitated and curated worship experiences from small lofts to big marquees, middle-sized churches to the Houses of Parliament. He has a passion for creatively expressing the full range of human emotion in a real and worshipful way. It's a privilege for Jimmy to be back serving at LPO.

          25 mei
          Neil O'Boyle
          Neil O Boyle

          Neil is National Director of British Youth for Christ. He is passionate about evangelism and has a wealth of experience in visionary leadership and team building, innovation and communication, as well as knowledge and understanding of missiology, culture and religious diversity.

            Theo Lawrence & Katie Minnis
            Theo Katie 2

            Theo and Katie are based in Oswaldtwistle, Lancashire, where they are involved in local mission. After spending a year touring with Youth For Christ's mission band, Katie and Theo now lead the worship and the youth work at their church. They have a heart to see the Church enter into God's presence through worship, and also to see young people transformed by the Gospel. Isaiah 6:3

              3 juni
              Ruth Morgans
              Ruth Morgans

              Ruth is the Families Pastor at Woodlands Church in Bristol where she lives with her husband, 2 children and a crazy Cockerpoo called Cookie.

              Ruth is also part of the speaking team for Parenting for Faith, and particularly enjoys seeing parents, churches and church leaders inspired, equipped and encouraged in their discipleship journey together - pursuing a life of faith, connection and relationship with Jesus.

                Jemimah Paine
                Jemimah Paine

                Jemimah Paine is a worship leader, songwriter and artist. Jemimah serves regularly at her church in Hammersmith. She has also been releasing music since 2020 and since then has continued to release a stream of music and tour around the UK. Jemimah sings about topics people can relate to and cares deeply for people and the world. This has taken her to new levels becoming an Ambassador at the renowned charity Compassion.

                  10 juni
                  Peter & Michele Guinness
                  Guinness Michele Peter COMPRESSED

                  A former maths teacher with a mechanical engineering background, Peter was vicar of St Thomas's, Lancaster, for over 18 years, before exchanging a church full of young people for a church in an area of high urban deprivation. He has a passion to teach the whole Bible, putting the New Testament into the context of its Hebraic roots.

                  Brought up in a practising Jewish family, Michele rocked the boat by becoming a Christian, and marrying a vicar. After working in the media for six years, she moved into PR, eventually becoming Head of Communications for the NHS in Cumbria and Lancashire. She has written twelve books, and spoken at Spring Harvest, New Wine and churches everywhere.

                  They’re officially retired (time permitting!), have two children and six grandchildren, and live half the year in France.

                    Sue Rinaldi
                    Sue Rinaldi photo

                    Sue houdt van LPO en heeft in de loop der jaren zowel aanbidding geleid als op LPO gesproken. Ze reist internationaal om kerken en individuen te helpen bij het ontwikkelen van hun aanbidding. Ze werkt ook samen met onze zusterbedrijven om artiesten en muziekproducten te ontwikkelen.

                      17 juni
                      Rachael Orrell
                      Rachael Orrell

                      Rachael is CEO van Saltmine Theatre Company. Ze is ook al vele jaren spreker bij Spring Harvest.

                        Dave Stephenson
                        Dave and Ruth Stephenson lores

                        Dave leidt een van de gemeenten van de Rising Brook Church in Stafford - de kerk die wordt geleid door de vaste Spring Harvest-spreker Martin Young. Hij studeerde muziek en aanbidding aan Nexus Academy en muziekproductie aan Staffordshire University.

                          24 juni
                          Nick & Marjorie Allan
                          Nick Marjorie closer

                          Nick & Marjorie are the joint leaders of The Well Sheffield, a growing church with many young adults and students, and a track record in reaching the unchurched, raising young leaders and new church plants. They are passionate about worship and mission and discipleship to Jesus in current culture. They love investing in the next generation and drinking good coffee. They have a lively home with three teenagers, a border collie dog and students. In 2020 they published an award-winning book, 'The XYZ of Discipleship : Understanding and Reaching Generations Y & Z'

                            Evie Loose
                            Evie Loose

                            Evie Loose is a worship leader and songwriter from Eastbourne, UK. She has led worship as part of Bright City, the worship collective from St. Peter’s Brighton, and now she studies in Cardiff and leads worship at her local church. As a student herself, she is passionate about seeing young people truly know the joy and love found in Jesus.

                              1 juli
                              Brian More
                              Brian More

                              Brian leidt het team van de Newton Mearns Baptist Church in Glasgow en is betrokken bij Spring Harvest.

                              Als voormalig visser houdt hij van de uitdaging om in de huidige samenleving de Bijbel te onderwijzen. Getrouwd met Janet, ze hebben twee kinderen die LPO-fans zijn!

                                Pete James & Suzanne Hanna
                                Suzanne Hanna

                                Pete James is the creative behind the charity Swell Revolution. His 12 years as a worship pastor have equipped Pete to create songs, stories and video resources to help all ages grow in their faith. He leads worship frequently in his local church and at festivals and events. He is keen biker and boarder and enjoys snow and water sports.

                                  8 juli
                                  Cris & Beki Rogers
                                  Cris Beki Rogers

                                  Cris and Beki Rogers have been leading a church in East London for the last 14 years called All Hallows Bow. Beki is the Director of the Centre for Spiritual Direction. Cris chairs the Spring Harvest planning group and leads the ministry Making Disciples. They have two children who are both in their late teens.

                                    Pete James
                                    Pete James Headshot 600x530

                                    Based on the south coast of England, Pete is a songwriter and worship leader. He has many years of experience as a worship leader and worship pastor and leads regularly at his local church while also travelling frequently to play at conferences, festivals and other churches. He's a big friend of Le Pas Opton and a regular worship leader at our holidays, where he will escape to the surfing beaches when the opportunity arises. Pete's also the inspiration behind the Cheeky Pandas and other all-age worship resources.

                                    15 juli
                                    Olivia Amarty
                                    Dave & Bettina Prigent
                                    22 juli
                                    Lisa Holmes
                                    Lisa Holmes

                                    Lisa is hoofdminister van Skipton Baptist Church en was vroeger een stafmedewerker van het UCCF. Ze noemt koffie en cake onder haar interesses, dus je zult haar waarschijnlijk vinden in onze Vendée Vous coffeeshop in Le Pas Opton!

                                      Jafeth & Sifra Bekx
                                      Jafeth en sifra bekx

                                      Jafeth and Sifra are passionate about worship, music and God's world. They are the heart of Dutch worship band Insalvation. Jafeth wrote the song Fill this House with your Glory which has been recorded on Spring Harvest's live album by Kees Kraayenoord. They are fluent in English and looking forward to leading an international gathering in praise. Jafeth & Sifra have two young daughters.

                                      29 juli
                                      Damian Wharton
                                      Damian Wharton e1449222204383

                                      Damian is de algemeen directeur van Scripture Union Noord-Ierland die een visie heeft om alle mensen getransformeerd te zien worden door Gods goede nieuws.

                                      In zijn vrije tijd breng je hem tijd door met zijn gezin, hardlopen of goede koffie drinken!

                                        Sam Blake
                                        Sam Blake 2

                                        Sam is een Britse Worship Leader, muzikant en songwriter, gevestigd in West-Londen. Getrouwd met Rachel, hebben ze vier kinderen; Caleb, Levi, Talitha en Naomi. Sam is momenteel zowel de Worship Pastor van een grote, levendige multi-etnische Elim-kerk in Ealing, als de National Director van Elim Sound.

                                          5 augustus
                                          Gavin and Anne Calver

                                          Gavin is de CEO van de Evangelical Alliance en voorzitter van Spring Harvest. Hij wil graag zien dat de plaatselijke kerk haar roeping vervult om het evangelie van Jezus in elke gemeenschap te brengen.

                                          Anne is assistent-minister bij Stanmore Baptist Church, en heeft co-auteur van drie boeken. Ze is gepassioneerd om mensen Jezus te zien ontmoeten en losgelaten om te groeien in al hun potentieel in Hem.

                                            Kees Kraayenoord
                                            Kees Kraaynoord

                                            Kees groeide op in de traditioneel Nederlands Hervormde Kerk. Op 17-jarige leeftijd raakte hij betrokken bij YWAM en werkt nu met Worship Central.

                                            Kees heeft een aantal albums uitgebracht en leidt nu aanbidding in binnen- en buitenland.

                                              12 augustus
                                              Pete & Nicki Sims
                                              Pete Nicky Sims Copy 2

                                              Pete en Nicki zijn aanbiddingsleiders en songwriters en zijn ook de senior leiders in hun eigen kerk, CGC Chelmsford.

                                                Stu Barbour
                                                Stu barbour

                                                Oorspronkelijk afkomstig uit Schotland, woont songwriter Stu Barbour nu met zijn gezin in West Sussex, waar hij de aanbiddingspastor is bij The Point Church of England in Burgess Hill. Naast het schrijven van liedjes over zijn christelijk geloof, schrijft hij liedjes over sociale rechtvaardigheid en het milieu.

                                                Onlangs heeft hij het voorrecht gehad om een ​​aantal van zijn aanbiddingsteam uit The Point mee te nemen om de eredienst te leiden tijdens gebedsbijeenkomsten voor de regering in The Houses of Parliament in de Chapel of St Mary Undercroft.

                                                  19 augustus
                                                  Phil Knox
                                                  Phil Knox 2

                                                  Phil Knox is het hoofd van de missie voor jongvolwassenen bij de Evangelical Alliance. Hij leeft om te zien dat mensen Jezus en christenen leren kennen, geïnspireerd en toegerust om hun geloof te delen.

                                                  Hij heeft een passie voor zijn generatie, de plaatselijke kerk, houdt van leren en heeft diploma's in rechten, zending en evangelisatie.

                                                  Phil is getrouwd met Dani en ze hebben twee zonen, Caleb en Jos.

                                                    Gospel week 4

                                                    John Fisher played drums for Chaka Khan, Mica Paris, Denise Williams and London Community Gospel Choir (LCGC) before starting IDMC Gospel Choir. IDMC celebrated its 25th anniversary in 2019 with a 30-date international tour.

                                                    Steeped in Gospel music from an early age, John has worked with LCGC’s Basil Meade and Karen Gibson of Kingdom Choir, now famous for their part in the 2018 Royal Wedding.

                                                    IDMC includes up to 25 members from various Christian backgrounds plus a small group of professional musicians. They have amassed nine albums including one recorded at Le Pas Opton in 2012.

                                                    The choir were finalists in BBC Songs of Praise Gospel Choir of the Year in 2018 when they also won Premier Radio’s Gospel Choir of the Year and an Urban Music Award for Best Gospel Act 2018.

                                                    John’s schools project We sing, U sing has helped thousands of young people to learn and experience Gospel music for themselves – including spectacular finale concerts with the IDMC choir and band. His teaching experience, musical genius and above all his love for Jesus Christ blend together as he leads and inspires at LPO in 2021.

                                                    26 augustus
                                                    Andy du Feu
                                                    Andy du Feu

                                                    Andy serves as principal of Moorlands College, where he has worked for the past 12 years. He comes with plenty of experience of pastoral leadership, youth work, and opening up Scripture. Between Moorlands and three adopted children there is never a dull moment!

                                                      Dan Hebden
                                                      Dan Hebden 2023 in 2

                                                      Dan is de aanbiddingspastor in St George's Church, Leeds.

                                                        2 september
                                                        Jean de Garis
                                                        2022 Jean de Garis

                                                        Jean is a Guernsey man serving as vicar of St Francis Church, Salisbury. Sue and Jean have 4 children who love making music together. Whenever possible, Jean enjoys riding his motorbike – and praying!

                                                          Matt Brooksbank
                                                          Matt Brooksbank

                                                          Matt is a worship leader from Scarborough, North Yorkshire and regularly leads worship at Ebenezer Baptist Church and Hope Whitby. Along with his wife Emily, they run Re-fuel worship ministry and lead a young adults group at their local church.

                                                            9 september
                                                            Neil Richardson
                                                            Neil Richardson

                                                            Neil is pastor at Longheath Baptist Church, a small council estate church in Croydon. He married Abigail in 2022 and God gave them Nathaniel in 2023. Neil is a keen board gamer (he was the 7 Wonders Duel champion on his first visit to the Board Games Holiday) and a runner, and loves to share Jesus with people.

                                                              Bob and Rachel Retallick-Cheel
                                                              Retallick Cheel

                                                              Bob and Rachel Retallick-Cheel are worship leaders at St Boniface Church, Quinton. Founding members of worship collective MULTITUDE, they have also led worship at events for British Youth For Christ and Moorlands Bible College.

                                                                16 september
                                                                Ian & Ruth Coffey
                                                                Phil Wade
                                                                Phil Wade

                                                                Phil is the Worship Director at All Saints Worcester a CofE resourcing church. Having trained at Moorlands College and the Worship Foundation; Phil is passionate about equipping and coaching local worship leaders and teams.