Specialistische weken

Elke week is een vakantieweek bij Le Pas Opton. Bekijk deze opties om iets speciaals aan je vakantie toe te voegen, van een spirituele retraite tot een bijeenkomst van boardgamers.

Speakers & worship leaders

Tom and Ruth Duncanson
Tom Ruth Duncanson

Tom is al meer dan 30 jaar een baptistenprediker. Voordat hij vier jaar geleden minister werd van een kerk in Heathfield East Sussex, werkte hij bijna zeven jaar als Hospice Kapelaan in Eastbourne. Hij is getrouwd met Ruth en heeft twee kinderen, Helen & Mark, en zeven kleinkinderen.

    Jimmy Orr
    Jimmy Orr 3

    Jimmy is a Worship Leader, Poet, Husband, Singer/Songwriter, Speaker, Son, Brother, Artist, and Dad… though not necessarily in that order! He's been part of several worship bands playing various roles, facilitated and curated worship experiences from small lofts to big marquees, middle-sized churches to the Houses of Parliament. He has a passion for creatively expressing the full range of human emotion in a real and worshipful way. It's a privilege for Jimmy to be back serving at LPO.

      Barry Mason
      Barry Mason

      Awaiting bio

        Theo Lawrence & Katie Minnis
        Theo Katie 2

        Theo and Katie are based in Oswaldtwistle, Lancashire, where they are involved in local mission. After spending a year touring with Youth For Christ's mission band, Katie and Theo now lead the worship and the youth work at their church. They have a heart to see the Church enter into God's presence through worship, and also to see young people transformed by the Gospel. Isaiah 6:3

          Ruth Morgans
          Ruth Morgans

          Ruth is the Families Pastor at Woodlands Church in Bristol where she lives with her husband, 2 children and a crazy Cockerpoo called Cookie.

          Ruth is also part of the speaking team for Parenting for Faith, and particularly enjoys seeing parents, churches and church leaders inspired, equipped and encouraged in their discipleship journey together - pursuing a life of faith, connection and relationship with Jesus.

            Jemimah Paine
            Jemimah Paine

            Jemimah Paine is a worship leader, songwriter and artist. Jemimah serves regularly at her church in Hammersmith. She has also been releasing music since 2020 and since then has continued to release a stream of music and tour around the UK. Jemimah sings about topics people can relate to and cares deeply for people and the world. This has taken her to new levels becoming an Ambassador at the renowned charity Compassion.

              Ruth Morgans
              Ruth Morgans

              Ruth is the Families Pastor at Woodlands Church in Bristol where she lives with her husband, 2 children and a crazy Cockerpoo called Cookie.

              Ruth is also part of the speaking team for Parenting for Faith, and particularly enjoys seeing parents, churches and church leaders inspired, equipped and encouraged in their discipleship journey together - pursuing a life of faith, connection and relationship with Jesus.

                Jemimah Paine
                Jemimah Paine

                Jemimah Paine is a worship leader, songwriter and artist. Jemimah serves regularly at her church in Hammersmith. She has also been releasing music since 2020 and since then has continued to release a stream of music and tour around the UK. Jemimah sings about topics people can relate to and cares deeply for people and the world. This has taken her to new levels becoming an Ambassador at the renowned charity Compassion.

                  Anna & Andrew Holland
                  Anna and Andrew Holland

                  Andrew runs his own successful painting business as well as helping to lead a small local church. Anna has spent years in the field of education teaching across the country. Since having children they decided they'd embrace the life of home education and are happily exhausted to lead their three children through their education years. They're really looking forward to this very special week at LPO and are excited about the blessings that the Lord will have in store for everyone.

                    Luke Bacon
                    Luke Bacon

                    Luke is een in Londen gevestigde zanger, songwriter en aanbiddingsleider. Tijdens zijn reis heeft hij in vijf landen gewoond en vele jaren in Botswana doorgebracht voordat hij zich als tiener in het VK vestigde. Naast het schrijven en uitvoeren van zijn eigen muziek, is Luke gepassioneerd door het leiden van aanbidding en is hij betrokken geweest bij het leiden van kerken, evenementen en festivals in het VK en Europa.

                      Wendy Pawsey
                      Wendy Pawsey

                      Wendy is Head of Giving for the Evangelical Alliance, an ordained Elim Minister, trustee for Regents Theological College, board member for Fundraisers in Christian Organisations, author of Generous with a Capital G, wife to one, mum to three and nan to a crazy cockapoo! With over twenty-five years’ experience of managing and growing finance in the worlds of banking, church leadership, charitable organisations and fundraising, she has witnessed many times and is hugely passionate about the generosity of God.

                        Sue Rinaldi
                        Sue Rinaldi photo

                        Sue houdt van LPO en heeft in de loop der jaren zowel aanbidding geleid als op LPO gesproken. Ze reist internationaal om kerken en individuen te helpen bij het ontwikkelen van hun aanbidding. Ze werkt ook samen met onze zusterbedrijven om artiesten en muziekproducten te ontwikkelen.

                          Andy Caldwell (Morning Bible Study)
                          Andy Caldwell

                          Andy has been in pastoral ministry and church leadership for over 30 years. A gifted and passionate Bible teacher, preacher and church leader. He has a deep love for Jesus and people and a strong spiritual gifts of encouragement and compassion.

                          Before entering ministry, Andy served as a police officer in The Thames Valley Police and later as a police inspector in the Royal Hong Kong Police. But God had a different calling - to be a policeman of his people: to protect them, encourage them, teach them and love them.

                          Andy is the pastor of Welcome Baptist Church in Heathfield, East Sussex. He is married to Jo, and together they have three sons.

                            Nick & Marjorie Allan
                            Nick Marjorie closer

                            Nick & Marjorie are the joint leaders of The Well Sheffield, a growing church with many young adults and students, and a track record in reaching the unchurched, raising young leaders and new church plants. They are passionate about worship and mission and discipleship to Jesus in current culture. They love investing in the next generation and drinking good coffee. They have a lively home with three teenagers, a border collie dog and students. In 2020 they published an award-winning book, 'The XYZ of Discipleship : Understanding and Reaching Generations Y & Z'

                              McKensie Caldwell
                              Mc Kenzie

                              Awaiting bio

                                Phil Knox
                                Phil Knox 2

                                Phil Knox is het hoofd van de missie voor jongvolwassenen bij de Evangelical Alliance. Hij leeft om te zien dat mensen Jezus en christenen leren kennen, geïnspireerd en toegerust om hun geloof te delen.

                                Hij heeft een passie voor zijn generatie, de plaatselijke kerk, houdt van leren en heeft diploma's in rechten, zending en evangelisatie.

                                Phil is getrouwd met Dani en ze hebben twee zonen, Caleb en Jos.

                                  Stu Barbour
                                  Stu barbour

                                  Oorspronkelijk afkomstig uit Schotland, woont songwriter Stu Barbour nu met zijn gezin in West Sussex, waar hij de aanbiddingspastor is bij The Point Church of England in Burgess Hill. Naast het schrijven van liedjes over zijn christelijk geloof, schrijft hij liedjes over sociale rechtvaardigheid en het milieu.

                                  Onlangs heeft hij het voorrecht gehad om een ​​aantal van zijn aanbiddingsteam uit The Point mee te nemen om de eredienst te leiden tijdens gebedsbijeenkomsten voor de regering in The Houses of Parliament in de Chapel of St Mary Undercroft.

                                    Andy du Feu
                                    Andy du Feu

                                    Andy serves as principal of Moorlands College, where he has worked for the past 12 years. He comes with plenty of experience of pastoral leadership, youth work, and opening up Scripture. Between Moorlands and three adopted children there is never a dull moment!

                                      Cathy Burton
                                      Cathy Burton1

                                      Cathy is een zangeres en songwriter, werkzaam in akoestische en dansmuziek.

                                      Ze is ook een aanbiddingsleider en maakt deel uit van de Revelation Church, Chichester.

                                      Cathy bezoekt Britse kerken en werkt samen met MAF om hun vitale werk in de derde wereld te promoten.

                                        Jean de Garis
                                        2022 Jean de Garis

                                        Jean is a Guernsey man serving as vicar of St Francis Church, Salisbury. Sue and Jean have 4 children who love making music together. Whenever possible, Jean enjoys riding his motorbike – and praying!

                                          Matt Brooksbank
                                          Matt Brooksbank

                                          Matt is a worship leader from Scarborough, North Yorkshire and regularly leads worship at Ebenezer Baptist Church and Hope Whitby. Along with his wife Emily, they run Re-fuel worship ministry and lead a young adults group at their local church.

                                            Chris Sinkinson
                                            Chris Sinkinson Headshot Square

                                            Als hij geen les geeft op Moorlands College of geen archeologische opgravingen doet in Gallilee, kan dr. Chris Sinkinson wel eens bordspellen spelen.

                                            Hij heeft verschillende boeken en artikelen geschreven en spreekt ook in kerken en evenementen en op de radio, in het Verenigd Koninkrijk en daarbuiten.

                                              Evie Loose
                                              Evie Loose

                                              Evie Loose is a worship leader and songwriter from Eastbourne, UK. She has led worship as part of Bright City, the worship collective from St. Peter’s Brighton, and now she studies in Cardiff and leads worship at her local church. As a student herself, she is passionate about seeing young people truly know the joy and love found in Jesus.

                                                Ian & Ruth Coffey
                                                Steve Brady
                                                Steve Brady

                                                Awaiting bio

                                                  Blank Person

                                                  We'll update you soon about the speaker/worship leader for this week.

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